Насколько эффективен клей? Когда он затвердевает?

Adhesives can be used in many scenarios and produce different effects in different environments. To fully leverage the advantages of adhesives, Foshan Puhui New Materials Co., Ltd. reminds everyone to avoid using them in direct sunlight or near heat sources, as this can lead to degraded performance or ineffectiveness.
Adhesives possess good impact resistance and can be used for structural bonding.
There is no need for specialized heating and pressurizing equipment; simply place the adhesive and let it sit without complex operations.
The curing speed is fast, and the adhesive can cure in five to ten minutes at room temperature, though some time is required for application.
Potting adhesives can be categorized into initial curing, basic curing, and post-curing. Temperature, pressure, and time have a significant impact on the curing of adhesives.
Initial curing of potting adhesives. After a certain period at a specific temperature, the adhesive reaches a certain strength, with the surface hardening and becoming non-sticky, but the curing process is not yet complete.
Basic curing of adhesives. After a period of time, most of the reactive groups participate in the reaction and achieve a certain degree of crosslinking.
Post-curing. To improve bonding performance or meet process requirements, the basically cured adhesive is treated at a certain temperature for a period of time to supplement the curing process, further increasing the degree of curing, effectively eliminating internal stress, and enhancing bonding strength.
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